
Nuvaring is a transparent, flexible 2-inch ring that is inserted into the vaginal and left in for 21 days. Women need to insert a new ring every month. It contains the same hormone-like drugs as the Birth Control Pill. The ring works to prevent pregnancy by releasing a continuous dose of ethinyl estradiol and etonogestrel (estrogen and progesterone like drugs) per day over the 21 days.
Women who want to use the Pill but do not want to take a pill every day may want to consider this method. Also women who do not want an injection of birth control may find this method attractive. Another advantage over the Pill or the shots is that you can remove this yourself at any time. The ring will most probably not be felt by the woman or her sexual partner. This drug is not a barrier method of birth control and does not have the protection against STIs like condoms, diaphragm or the cervical cap.
Side Effects
It contains the same hormone-like drugs as the Birth Control Pill.