Condom - Receptive

Receptive/Female Condom
The Female Condom is a soft, loose-fitting, tube-shaped pouch made of non-latex synthentic material, with a ring at each end that lines the vagina. When inserting the female condom, the inner ring is placed behind the pubic bone, (similar to how a diaphragm fits). This helps keep the condom in place during sexual activity. The other ring stays outside the vagina. Lubricant must be added inside the condom bag so that a penis, fingers or sex toys will glide over the synthetic rubber. The use effectiveness of the female condom is 79-95% effective in preventing pregnancy.
Do not combine an insertive/male condom with a receptive/female condom. Use only one or the other during intercourse.
STI Protection
The female condom is the only FDA-approved device for women that provides both protection against pregnancy, and prevention against STI's and HIV. Plus, the outer ring of the female condom covers more of the vulva; this may provide extra protection from herpes, and HPV (Human Papilloma Virus), or any other STI can be transmitted through skin to skin contact. This is to prevent the skin of the vulva of the woman coming into contact the partner’s skin. The female condom can be purchased over-the counter, or obtained at WHS clinic.
Combine Methods To Increase Effectiveness
To enhance effectiveness of insertive and receptive condoms, contraceptive spermicides such as foam, film, suppositories, or jelly can be used with condoms. Spermicides are available over the counter or at a WHS clinic. They have a chemical in them, 9 oxil 9, that kills sperm. Oil and petroleum based products (spermicides or lubricants) should not be used because they weaken the condoms; instead, water based products should be used. Also, it is recommended by manufacturers that male and female condoms should not be used together (they might attach to each other). Spermicides can cause an allergic reaction in some people (irritation, rash, and swelling). Changing brands of spermicide often resolves this problem.
Many women choose to have the morning-after-pill in their possession in case the condom breaks or comes off. In addition, some women use awareness of ovulation (fertility awareness) by either abstaining from penis/vagina sex when ovulation is occurring, or using condoms during their fertile days. Condoms and spermicide are a good way for women to use in-between birth control methods, or in-between partners, or if they have missed taking birth control pills.
Tips For Use
S - Keep condoms in the SHADE. Heat degrades condoms, and causes them to break.
E - EXAMINE the condom's packaging. Feel the package for the air bubble, you'll know the condom hasn't been torn or ripped open.
X - Check the EXPIRATION DATE. All condoms expire, make sure any condom you have is still good.
Y - YOU use it correctly. Even if it isn't going on your body, you can make sure you know how to correctly put a condom on your partner or sex toy, and know how to correctly dispose of it.