Recommended Books
By the Federation of Feminist Women's Health Centers. Originally written in 1982. Updated in 1991. Presents clear, detailed descriptions of vaginal and breast self examination, the complete anatomy of the clitoris, common infections, lab tests, fertility detection, donor insemination, birth control, menstrual extraction, abortion care, surgical procedures and home remedies. Beautiful illustrations by Suzanne Gage. 175 pages, Paperback. Available on-line from Progressive Health Services Bookstore.
by Lorraine Rothman with Marcia Wexler. 1999. De-MYTH-ing the medical mystique of menopause and hormone replacement therapy! Our bodies make sufficient estrogen from the time we are embryos till the day we die. Hormone replacement therapy is not a hormone (it's synthetic), it's not replacing anything (we have sufficient estrogen), and it's not therapeutic (menopause is not a disease). Hormone replacement therapy cannot prevent heart disease or osteoporosis. The vast majority of women pass through menopause without taking HRT. 103 pages, Paperback. Available on-line from Progressive Health Services
By Rebecca Chalker and Carol Downer. 1998 A Woman's Book of Choices chronicles the history of Menstrual Extraction (ME), the currently accepted standard of ME practice, and its legal ramifications, and offers accounts of actual ME procedures. It also describes the who range of other abortion alternatives, from state-of-the-art clinical abortions to folk remedies, for women who may be considering terminating a pregnancy. In addition, there is a comprehensive chapter that is directed to medical personnel who may be providing abortion care, and a chapter on the French-developed abortion pill, RU-486. Available on-line at Seven Stories Press.

Lesbian Health Activism: The First Wave
A collection writings from the early Lesbian health movement dating back to Our Bodies, Ourselves' "In America They Call us Dykes", written in 1971 by the Gay Women's Liberation Collective, and Lesbian Health Care, written in 1973 by Francie Hornstein of the Feminist Women's Health Center. Contains information by early Lesbian health activists on Lesbian health politics, vaginal self-exam, donor insemination, safer sex, and The Lesbian Patients Bill of Rights by Suzann Gage. Available on-line from Progressive Health Services Bookstore
By Rebecca Chalker With over 6,000 nerve fibers concentrated into a radius the size of a fingertip, the clitoris is the one body part whose sole purpose is pleasure. Despite this fact, the clitoris has been dismissed, undervalued, unexplored, and misunderstood for hundreds of years. This book explores, in detail, women's genital anatomy and sexual response. Available on-line from Seven Stories Press.
How to Stay Out of the Gynecologist's Office
By the Federation of Feminist Women's Health Centers. 1979 A guide to understanding the wide range of "normal" and common conditions, along with self-help remedies for things like yeast overgrowth which often follows treatment with antibiotics. Illustrated by Suzanne Gage. Try or other used bookstores to obtain this great historical book.
By Ginny Cassidy-Brinn R.N., Francie Hornstein, Carol Downer, Federation of Feminist Women's Health Centers. Illustrated by Suzann Gage. A key to understanding pregnancy from an empowered feminist perspective. Gives women the information they need to competently evaluate their options in childbirth. Contains indexes of pregnancy and childbirth resources nationwide. Entire book available online

By Chris Nelson. Covers herbal and self-prepared treatments for PMS, cramps, menopause, vagnial infections, yeast, pregnancy symptoms, bladder infections. By Chris Nelson. The contents of Self Help Home Remedies are available on our website.
In Our Control - The complete Guide to Contraceptive Choices for Women
by Laura Eldridge (2010) "Wow! I couldn't put it[In Our Control} down. Reading Laura Eldridge's history about contraception blew my mind. We cannot allow pharmaceutical companies to endager women's lives! This book is about to regalvanize the women's health revolution!"-Betty Dodson, author. Available at Seven Stories Press.

By the Sage Femme Collective "Want reproductive freedom? Buy this amazing book; tell your friends about it; and read it carefully together. Do self-examination together; get to know how your cervices looks through your menstrual cycles. Keep this book and your speculum in a safe place. Of course, you continue to fight for our rights, including legal abortion or better yet, the repeal of abortion laws. But, come what may, you know that if you ever face an unwanted pregnancy, whatever the political climate, you have the tools you need. That, my sister, is reproductive freedom." Review by Carol Downer. The book is available at Barnes and Noble,, and
By Claudine Monteil. Helene de Beauvoir, a painter, grew up in the shadow of her extraordinary older sister, Simone. Until now, the remarkable extent to which their relationship shaped both their lives has been overlooked. In this intimate biography, the reader learns not only about their close relationship and artistic influence on one another, but also about the jealousy, condescension and rivalry that plagued them.