Abortion Speak Out Campaign
In order to combat the stigma and shame of abortion, we at Women’s Health Specialists know the tremendous impact that women can have by sharing their stories. Not only do women feel less isolated but they feel more supported by other women. Policy makers take more notice from women’s first hand stories. If you have had an illegal abortion, please include yourself in this campaign and share your story. You can join other women in keeping abortion accessible and help shed the guilt and shame for all women. Please see below to join our campaign.
Click here to read other women’s stories.
One in three women in the United States has had an abortion in their lifetime. These women are our daughters, sisters, mothers, and grandmothers. Abortion is not a tragedy, as many politicians claim, but a necessity in many women�s lives.
The Supreme Court granted women the right to choose on the grounds that they had the right to privacy in the decision as to whether to carry a pregnancy to term. This privacy allows women to make their decisions with their family and friends and to seek out and get abortion care without undue interference — or potential violence — from others. Today, that privacy has been shattered by bands of raucous pickets, shouting insults and displaying signs showing aborted fetuses, in front of medical facilities.
On May 31, 2009, Dr. George Tiller was gunned down. He is the eighth abortion provider or supporter to be killed by terrorists who are determined to drive fear into the hearts of women getting abortions and into those people providing them. The violence directed at women seeking abortions and providers of abortion is an American tragedy.
We at Women’s Health Specialists decry the ongoing injustice against women who have abortions and abortion providers. Not only are there terrorist acts against abortion providers, but the courts continue to undermine the privacy principles which form the basis for legal abortion. In the later months of 2009, our politicians continue to abandon women by denying them health reform that covers abortion.
In order to combat the marginalization of women seeking abortion, it is time for women to speak out and tell their abortion stories without shame and disclose their names. We are launching an abortion Speak Out campaign so that women’s stories can be shared with policy makers and to stop the stigma of abortion. If you have had an abortion, remember that there are many women who have had one too. When women share their abortion experiences, they realize that they truly are not alone.
Read the “Consent to Use My Name” below the sample statement for more information on how you can participate and how your story might be shared. If you want to participate remember to fill out the “Please describe your story” section.