We Refuse to be Harassed!
Abortion and reproductive health seekers should be able to seek services confidentially and privately without the fear of intimidation and bullying. Consistently clients are harassed by anti-abortion extremists daily when trying to access their reproductive health care. If you have been harassed for seeking reproductive health care, get in contact with your local city representative and demand a future where people aren't harassed for seeking care!
Are there any legal protections for me?
Yes, The Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act of 1994
The Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act of 1994 (FACE) makes it a federal crime to physically obstruct the entrance to a clinic or to use force, the threat of force, or physical obstruction, such as a sit-in, to interfere with, injure, or intimidate clinic workers or women seeking abortions or other reproductive health services.
How can I take action?
Get into contact with your local city representatives.
Call/ leave a voicemail
Send a letter
Write an Email
Attend a City Council Meeting
- Donate
Demand an end to the harassment. Check below for your representative's contact information.
Your Representatives
- Chico Mayor: Andrew Coolidge: Email: andrew.coolidge@chicoca.gov
- Vice Mayor: Kasey Reynolds: Email: kasey.reynolds@chicoca.gov
- Council Member: Dale Bennett: Email: dale.bennett@chicoca.gov
- Council Member: Sean Morgan: Email: sean.morgan@chicoca.gov
- Council Member: Tom van Overbeek: Email: tom.vanoverbeek@chicoca.gov
- Council Member: Addison Winslow: Email: addison.winslow@chicoca.gov
- Council Member: Deepika Tandon: Email: deepika.tandon@chicoca.gov
Mailing Address: City Council PO Box 3420, Chico, CA 95927
Your Representatives
- Redding Mayor: Tenessa Audette: Email: taudette@cityofredding.org
- Vice Mayor: Julie Winter: Email: jwinter@cityofredding.org
- Mayor Pro Tempore: Jack Munns: Email: jmunns@cityofredding.org
- Council Member: Mark Mezzano: Email: mmezzano@cityofredding.org
- Council Member: Michael Dacquisto: Email: mdacquisto@cityofredding.org
Mailing Address: City of Redding P. O. Box 496071 Redding, CA 96049-6071
Phone Number: (530) 225-4447
Grass Valley
Your Representatives
- Grass Valley Mayor: Jan Arbuckle Phone Number: (530) 274-4316
- Vice Mayor: Hilary Hodge: Phone Number: (530) 274-4318
- Council Member: Haven Caravelli: Phone Number: (530) 274-4317
- Council Member: Bob Branstrom: Phone Number: (530) 274-4315
- Council Member: Tom Ivy: Phone Number: (530) 274-4314
Mailing Address:The City of Grass Valley 125 East Main St. Grass Valley, CA 95945
Email & Call Sample
Hello [REPRESENTATIVE’S NAME], I am your constituent in [CITY], and I am urging you to make safe and legal abortion in [CITY] accessible without fear of harassment and intimidation. Please uphold The Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act of 1994 that protects my right to seek reproductive health services. Thank you, [NAME]
Help put an end to harassment, donate today!
Support a future free from harassment and bullying.