The Media calls the US presence in Iraq a “war”. It is not a war, it is an occupation. The War was over years ago. Remember the toppling of Saddam’s statue; President… Read More
The Media calls the US presence in Iraq a “war”. It is not a war, it is an occupation. The War was over years ago. Remember the toppling of Saddam’s statue; President… Read More
Fake clinics, often named Crisis Pregnancy Clinics, Hope Clinic, Women’s Resource Clinics, are funded by right wing and Christian organizations in order to deceive women into coming into their doors. They promote themselves as medical facilites, but their sole purpose is… Read More
Strategies to induce or coerce certain social groups to have or not have children are as old as the notion of private property. Power relationships that rely on racial purity, eliminating the poor or quelling revolution seek ways of controlling or influencing who is born. … Read More
In the Carhart decision, the US Supreme Court upheld the nationwide ban on a particular abortion procedure in April, 2007, handing abortion opponents the long-awaited victory they expected from a more conservative branch. Justice Kennedy’s opinion is filled with account after account of the… Read More
Feminists Decry Court Decision Criminalizing Some Abortions The US Supreme court, in the Carhart decision, upheld the Federal Abortion Ban on April 18th, 2007 ruling that the abortion restriction does not violate a woman’s constitutional right to abortion. Read More
This text below is adapted from a the text of a speech that Carol Downer gave at a vigil for Dr. George Tiller on June 6, 2009, in Los Angeles. MY NAME IS CAROL DOWNER AND I AM HERE TODAY TO HONOR GEORGE TILLER… Read More
With the election of President Obama and a less conservative legislature, it is time to intensify our work for reproductive justice. We at Women’s Health Specialists would like you to join us in an effort to repeal the Hyde restrictions. It is time to restore federal funds,… Read More
The idea of carrying this pregnancy to term was completely unacceptable to me. Then, at the age of 21, while working in retail for minimum wage, my birth control failed and I became pregnant again, by a man who had absolutely no interest in becoming a father. I chose to… Read More
But in rural areas like Northern California and throughout most of the country today, access is severely limited by a lack of doctors as well as cultural and socioeconomic challenges. And with anti-abortion terrorism on the rise,… Read More
Alert: Women have reported that taking Mucinex – an over-the-counter medication for reducing mucus for colds – can effect cervical mucus. For women who are using Fertility Awareness as a method of birth control or to become pregnant, taking Mucinex can interfere with detection of fertile mucus. Read More