Adoption Process
“Thank you for all your help. Without you guys I would have never found my baby’s family! Thank you!”
— Adoption Choices Client
The first thing you will be asked to do is to look through our files on all the people looking to adopt. You will be able to look at their pictures and read about them - where they live, what they do, what they like, how they would like to raise a child, their religious beliefs and their ideas about adoption.
- You select the people you would like to find out more about
- We will help you set up a time to talk by phone or in person, to see if they are the people you want to raise your child.
Shortly before your due date you, your adoptive family, and us will meet to discuss:
- your plan at the hospital
- your desires for contact with the child and adoptive family after the birth and placement.
- If you desire, the baby can go home from the hospital directly to the adoptive parents.
- The adoptive parents can be as involved as you want during your hospital stay.
If you are placing your baby for adoption with a California family, they are obligated to hire an Adoption Service Provider (ASP). An ASP will meet with you, gather information from you & advise you of your legal rights regarding your adoption decision.
This first meeting is usually done at least 10 days prior to your anticipated due date. The second meeting you have with your ASP is done after the birth. The second meeting consists of you signing forms which become your final consent 30 days after signed. You have the option of waiving part of the 30 day period. The adoption becomes final approximately 8 months after the birth.